Monday, August 4, 2008

Regression Analysis One

Often when people hear the term statistics and regression analysis, The unfamiliar will say "what's that? ", The vaguely educated will remember the Mark Twain quote about lies, damn lies, and the educated will repeat that same sentiment with high-flown argot and unnecessary jargon.

However despite these sentiments, Statistics is useful. It provides meaningful a way to summarize a large amount of data. A regression analysis is a technique for finding the line of best fit for a relationship between a dependent variable and an independent variable.( A classical example is the effect of education on wages.) One of the things we will be covering is how these regression analysis are conducted, what they measure, and do they mean anything. I am currently working on finding interesting sets of Data to work with but in the meantime we will set up a toy model. I am writing a post on the economics of dating and this should provide a good example of what a regression analysis can look like.

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